住在像香港這樣的緊湊城市,每一位香港人都渴望從繁忙的生活中逃脫出來!原始的船木地板、古老的木材飾面、地中海風的裝飾;這個自然的公寓結合了粗糙的元素和柔軟的布料,還有充足的日光。 這對年輕的夫婦探索他們的界限,將他們的地方轉化為一個獨特的民族風格的家。
From Bustle to Tranquility: Raw Ship Wood and Sunlight
Living in a compact city like Hong Kong, every Hong Konger ever wants is to escape from our busy life! Raw ship wood flooring, ancient wood finishing, Mediterranean knockdown; this natural apartment embraces the rough elements along with soft fabrics and abundant sunlight.
This young couple explore their boundary to transform their place into a unique ethnic home.