

小朋友特色牆 : 童趣與設計的結合
Kids’ Feature Wall : Merging Playfulness with Design

小朋友特色牆 : 童趣與設計的結合
位於屯門的這個550平方英尺單位,以”Harmony of Green”為主題,巧妙地將北歐簡約風格融入每一個角落。走進客廳,人字形舖法的木地板流暢地引領至房間,每一步都散發著溫暖的木色調。特別為小朋友設計的特色牆,不僅展現了對細節的追求,更為空間增添了童趣。延伸至廚房,清新的綠色廚櫃成為視覺焦點,與整體的北歐風格和諧共融。整體設計不僅注重美感,更充分考慮了功能性,使家居空間既實用又充滿設計感。

Kids’ Feature Wall : Merging Playfulness with Design.
Nestled in Tuen Mun, this 550 sqft unit embraces the “Harmony of Green” theme, seamlessly integrating the Nordic minimalist style throughout. Stepping into the living room, the herringbone-patterned wooden flooring gracefully leads to the bedroom, radiating a warm wooden hue with every stride. A specially designed feature wall for the little one not only showcases meticulous attention to detail but also infuses a touch of whimsy into the space. Extending to the kitchen, the refreshing green cabinetry stands out, harmoniously blending with the overarching Nordic ambiance. The overall design prioritizes both aesthetics and functionality, ensuring a home that’s both practical and stylish.

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